Discovery Day @ SMU

In this article, I aim to share insights into my attendance at SMU's Discovery Day, which took place on January 27, 2024.
When and how did I receive info about the Discovery Day
I received an email invitation for the Discovery Day on January 24th. The email indicated that upon attending the Discovery Day, I would be offered admission into the Accountancy program at SMU without the necessity of undergoing a separate admission interview.

Given that SMU is my top choice among universities, attending this event was an obvious decision. As I perused the details of the Discovery Day, I anticipated that the event would address my inquiries and offer fresh insights into the Accountancy program.
It's worth noting that the invitation to the Discovery Day was included in the same email as the invitation to the scholarship interview.
Events during the Discovery Day
I arrived punctually at the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law for the scheduled event. Observing a substantial crowd making their way to the venue from City Hall MRT, it struck me that many attendees seemed to already have formed friend groups, congregating in cliques even before entering the event. The majority of individuals were attired in a stylish and fashionable manner, prompting me to question the simplicity and normalcy of my own outfit.
Upon completing the event registration process, I took my seat in the designated section of the School of Accountancy within the expansive conference hall situated in the basement of the building. As I waited, the large screen in front of me displayed introductory videos serving as advertisements for joining SMU, accompanied by background noises of people settling into their seats. As the clock struck 2:05 pm, the event commenced with the first section lasting for an hour.
The opening segment featured performances by students from the Dance and Wushu clubs. Seated at the far-left corner of the hall, I couldn't fully appreciate the performances due to obstructions, which was regrettable considering the evident talent and effort the students had invested. Subsequently, a welcome speech addressing 'Why you should join SMU' was delivered, followed by a panel discussion. On stage were two students, one from Year 1 and the other from Year 3, along with a representative from the Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance. Off-stage, hundreds of students submitted questions through Pigeonhole Live, an online platform for audience queries. The most popular questions included 'What are the differences between SMU and other local schools?' and 'Is the grading system in SMU merciless?' I found the panel discussion less informative than anticipated.
Following this session, the attendees were divided into their respective schools and relocated to a smaller lecture theatre for the second session. This segment delved into the specifics of 'What you can expect by joining SMU School of Accountancy (SoA)'. However, due to time constraints, the session was relatively brief, lasting less than 40 minutes for both professors and alumni to share insights. Despite the time limitations, the professor touched on potential second majors, with Accounting Data and Analytics being a popular choice. He also highlighted the high employment rate, competitive starting salaries for graduates, and internship opportunities during the school term. Subsequently, alumni shared their experiences, serving as role models and offering valuable insights into potential career paths within SoA.

During the Discovery Day, significant information was shared about the Accounting Data and Analytics program, highlighting its role in providing students with essential programming knowledge crucial for success in a technologically driven career landscape. A senior student in Year 5, currently pursuing a double degree in Accountancy and a computer science-related field, emphasized that the courses in Accountancy are sufficient for the profession. He reassured that additional expertise in computer science is unnecessary solely for concerns about becoming outdated in understanding the intricate engineering behind the software used.
Following these insights, the main segments of the Discovery Day concluded, and attendees were offered refreshments before proceeding to the campus tour. The tour lasted approximately 20 minutes, during which we stopped at various locations, and student ambassadors provided introductions to the different areas. While the tour offered only a brief glimpse, I acknowledged that, after admission, students would explore the intricacies and hidden gems of the school in more detail.
Moving from the School of Law to the School of Accountancy through an underground junction, it was noted that students need not cross streets to travel between different faculties. The existence of a T-junction underground also streamlined walking, eliminating concerns about weather conditions. A familiar sight of people dancing along the corridors, reminiscent of NUS UTown, was observed during the tour.
At 4:50 pm, I departed from the event as it officially concluded.
Personal thoughts after the Discovery Day
Additional Comments
The information presented during the session did not meet my expectations, as I was anticipating new and distinctive insights beyond what was already available in SMU's online brochures. Instead, much of the information seemed to be extracted directly from their brochures, and this left me somewhat disappointed.
During the event, I inquired about the hostel options at Prinsep Street Residences, as securing accommodation is a significant concern for me. Given my preference for optimizing time and minimizing commuting, obtaining a spot at PSR would be an ideal choice. Unfortunately, my question regarding housing applications was not adequately addressed during the event. The professor who responded to my query was uncertain about the details of housing in SMU. Subsequently, I had to reach out to the admission team via email after the event to seek clarification on this matter.
A realization struck me during the event that university culture differs significantly from the more confined environment of NUS High School, where the expectation was for everyone to excel and prioritize academics at the appropriate times, or perhaps this was specific to my class. The overall vibe I sensed from students and professors at SMU indicated that many individuals derive enjoyment from their university life without being overly stressed about academic performance or future careers. While a positive environment is conducive, my inclination as an overachiever with certain standards serves as a constant reminder to uphold those standards, even within a less stressful setting.
On a positive note, I discovered some favorable aspects about SMU. The university's accessibility, surrounded by malls and MRT stations, appeals to me. Additionally, the spacious study areas and rooms available for student use are noteworthy, and I anticipate frequent visits to these facilities if I enroll at SMU.

Stay tuned for more updates on my university journey
Scholarships, Tips to study in university, Personal experiences